"Even on the worst day i've got it good, cause i'm on my way to heaven." -Dave Hodgdon


My heart is rejoicing yet breaking at the same time!

Right now, I look an awful lot like Zekey! I just said goodbye to Amber, DJ, Brittany, Zeke, and Jaylea! I'm a basket case!
I'm confident that everyone who reads this knows...but if not, my sister, brotherinlaw, and the kiddos are on their way to Brazil with NTM!
I know this is what we have been waiting and praying for all along...for years! But it's actually happening! My heart is rejoicing but at the same time breaking! I love them so much!
I don't want to be the family on the other side of Skype talking to Amber and DJ and trying to connect with the growing kiddos! That's so hard! I want to be there and talk with them, play games, goof off with the kiddos and watch them grow!
It was so hard watching them drive off! I have always been the one going! I never realized how hard it is, in a different way, for the family staying behind!
When I start to think of how much I will miss them, how long they will be gone for, and how far away they will be, I have to take a step back and be thankful for a few things!! I am thankful that I have been able to spend the past TWO YEARS at their house almost every weekend! They so graciously opened up their home to Daniel and I! I enjoyed every minute with them! When I decided stayed in Waukesha for an extra year to work in childcare at the last minute, they were still here! Thank You, Lord!! What a treasure to spend that extra year with them! So I have to not be selfish and want them all to myself! I have to give them to God and let others experience the joy and blessing they are to me! As much as I want to be with them and watch the kids grow, I want to give DJ's parents a chance spending time with Amber and DJ and watching the kiddos make new mile stones and grow! They haven't even met Zeke and here I am being selfish and wanting them to stay after I have been able to spend two years close to them!!
That's the thing with full time ministry in another country or state! There are sacrifices to be made! Comfort zones to leave. Family to say goodbye to. Familiar places to leave for the unknown! If it were up to me, I would buy a huge lot of land and build a bunch of houses so everyone I love could all live there and be together! But, that isn't why we are here! We are here to serve our Lord and make Him known! Sometimes that means leaving everything you know and love! It's hard, but in light of that, I just have to be thankful for my family, thankful I got to make special memories with them, thankful I got to also spend the summer traveling with them, thankful I got to watch the kids grow, thankful I got to be with Amber and DJ for two whole years, and thankful for their walk with God and obedience to Him!
I appreciate and love you guys more than you could ever know!!!! 
If you all want to check out their blog...here it is! :)
Here are some pictures of my special times with them! How could I leave out pictures?! :)
Could they get any cuter? :)
Enjoying the weather!

Up at Mt. Baker!

In Great Falls at the State Fair!

I think we rode this three times straight! It's our favorite!

At the Milwaukee Zoo!

At Eve and Bobs pool! :)

Up on Mt. Baker

Mt. Rushmore! :)

At Holy Hill

Love them!


My kiddos!!

Christmas tree time!!

I think this is the only picture of you and me, DJ! :)

 Now times to drug up and get rid of this crying headache so I can get a good nights sleep and go to work at 5:55!


Got my hairs cut.

I got BANGS. It feels SOOOO good. I just hope it feels this good with my shampoo. But I doubt it. :]


Lets go fly a kite. :)

Daniel asked me Sunday if I was doing anything on Tue. I said no so he said he had a surprise planned.
He came back from work with a card and said the store he went to didnt have kites, but he was going to get some.
So we ran to walmart to get two kites.

We got pizza. :)

Daniel's kite got stuck in the tree. But he got it out. :)

Awful quality...thanks camera phone.

Beautiful view. :) I didnt have my camera so I had to take these with my phone.
Blah. Oh well. next time Ill remember to grab my real camera. haha


When Creativity Bursts.

Half way there!

So, Pinterest is AMAZING! :D
I saw a similar idea on the website and decided to be creative. I went to Goodwill and got some old paintings that were on canvas so I could paint over them!
Here are the three paintings. The nails and such were already on the walls when I moved in..and the walls are rock hard..pounding a nail is hard enough..so I am just going to work with whats there. haha!

The color is a bit off, but I might just have
to deal with it..maybe I will use the small picture
for the blue..so it wont be so noticable.

Off I go. It took two coats

I originally wanted a bold, plain grey but what I accidently got is a metalic gray..which I ended up liking better.

Finished product soon to come. I want them to dry really well before using the painters tape/rubber bands.

But this also sparked another great idea. doing a letter or even a cut out of a state or country, placing it over this, and painting over it, then peeling it back off.


best friends. :)

daily happenings. :)

How I decorate my bus. drawing on the dirty windows. haha :) This is from the inside. thats why the "hi" is backwards

What Daniel drew me. hehe!

Yummy snack. :)

I got an extra lil table from the closet and let them sit at the "big kid table" :)

Another random, adorable picture of Carly.

It was Special Emphasis at NTBI so we had the little
kids an extra hour. So we put them in a crib on wheels and
strolled them around the building. haha!

I put loads of blankets and toys to make it extra fun.

A little blurry but this is the result. :)

They LOVED it and it lasted over 45 min. :)

JUST KIDDING GUYS. His idea. haha

peace. ha.